ADULT outreach


parent board

Would you like to help out but cannot commit to being a full core team member? We are looking for parents who can help in unique ways! Email us and we’ll contact you with specific opportunities.

Help feed our teens dinner on Sunday Nights

Our Teens typically attend 5:00 pm Mass together and immediately participate in community dinner before programming starts. And they are HUNGRY! The Teens would love for your family or group of friends to fix a meal for us on Sunday nights…Sign up by hitting the button below!

Sign Up!

core members

These volunteer staff are present to walk with YM Teens in understanding the Catholic faith and grow in discipleship with Jesus Christ. While parents are the first and primary evangelizer of their children, our core team is here to support and assist in whatever way we can. If you are interested in joining this team, please email us to set up a time to chat!